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Our Programs

M-Impact is the Mining Hub program focused on social innovation - bringing innovation as a tool that enhances the generation of positive impact, acting across the mining chain.


How does it work

M-Impact is the Mining Hub program that works on social innovation, which aims to build solutions that have a transversal impact on the mining chain by impacting society, especially the communities surrounding the mining activity, but also new talents for the sector.

This program will use innovation as a tool for transforming and enhancing new projects, as well as existing ones.

These are themes that belong to M-Impact: inclusion, diversity, forms of sustainable development of the territory, development of skills and competences.

M-Impact emerged because we believe that innovation is the most powerful tool to face challenges and positively transform reality. It changes minds, behaviors and cultures. She changes people.

Social Innovation is the space where individual strengths add up to generate collective value; where diversity is found and where actors are involved to discover new ways and generate new logics of relationships, products, services and models.

Social innovation breaks with established patterns by bringing diversity of thought and cooperation to leverage initiatives and increase the positive reach of actions. Social innovation generates impact.